DISCLAIMER: As mentioned on my other web sites and pages, I do not espouse to all of the beliefs expressed on the reciprocal links I have provided here. My web sites are a venture into the pros and cons of diverse aspects of religious beliefs. I leave it completely up to each individual to decide what is truth and what is not. I am also not responsible for any cost or donation purchases that are made through these links. These reciprocal links are purely for educational and research purpose only. Please view these links at your own discretion.
The best education about a religion should come from within that religion instead of from those who have become disaffected from that religion.
"Now we were on all three news channels this morning and last night. And they were saying that I predicted the end of the world for, I think it's June the 12th, which I think is two more days. I've never, ever predicted the end of the world." - Yisrayl Hawkins
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Who are the Two Witnesses of Revelation 11? Are they somehow connected with the Elijah to come? What about Elisha? Is Zechariah 4 a prophecy of the Philadelphia Church now being formed? What about the two olive trees? You also need to know about the "Synagogue of Satan" and its relationship to the Philadelphia Church!
John D. Keyser
It seems that Yisrayl Hawkins' brother Jocob does not agree with him.
Here is a re-copy of the original letter dated August 4, 1986 where Jacob Hawkins described his feelings about his brothers deception to a member of the faith: SOURCE
Dear Sister Nancy:
It was wonderful to hear from you again, and thank you for your tithes. May the blessings of Yahweh be yours.
I am sorry that you folks found out the hard way about that thing in Abilene. That whole thing up there was a deception from the very beginning. I wrote you over two years ago and explained how Bill right after he was ordained set into take over The House of Yahweh and pull everything and everyone up to Abilene.
There are some of the questions you ask that I had rather answer in person. If you folks could come down some Friday afternoon and stay over for the Sabbath, we would put you up for the night, and Sabbath afternoon we would have the committee of The House of Yahweh to meet, for I would like for them to hear about what has went on up there at Abilene.
I am sending you some pictures of The House of Yahweh people and also a picture of The House of Yahweh committee. In case you wonder about the young men who have only partial beards, it is because that is all they can grow.
I am also sending you the booklet on the doctrines of The House of Yahweh, as I understand that Bill teaches contrary to most of the doctrines of The House of Yahweh. He also is all messed up on prophecy. About him saying or, teaching that he and I are the two witnesses, no one at this time knows who the two Witnesses are. They will be two men from The House of Yahweh, but Yahweh has not revealed who they are, and you can be assured that they will not be teaching what is taught in Abilene.
The House of Yahweh in Odessa had its beginning in Nazareth, Israel, in 1975 long before Bill came into it, and while he was a member of the Worldwide Church of God in Abilene. As The House of Yahweh is an Israeli institution, we did not have to take out organization papers in this country. And as long as we are recorded with the city and county, this is all we have to do.
As to mountain in Micah 4: meaning a nation, this is pure deception. Micah 4:1 tells where The House of Yahweh would be established, the mountains of Israel, as is shown in the parable in Ezek. 17: 22, 29. The House of Yahweh will be exalted in its location above all the other mountains and hills in Israel. This will be when it returns to Jerusalem. Mountains and hills sometimes implies religious sects. You can be sure it does not imply any nation.
I was very sorry to hear that Bill says Yeshua lied in his parables. Yeshua never at anytime ever told a lie to anyone, nor about anything. We are forbidden to lie. Yeshua said to let your yea be yea, and your nay be nay, and anything more than this comes from the evil one, Satan, Matt. 5:37. He also said in Rev. 21:8 that all liars will have a part in the lake of fire. Bill needs much prayer to keep from being lost. You can be sure that The House of Yahweh does not teach people to lie, cheat, steal or any such evil. I knew that when Bill pulled off from The House of Yahweh, that this would take place. That in Abilene is not The House of Yahweh.
You can be sure that all men you see in The House of Yahweh will have beards, and be wearing a kepah and tallit, unless of course they are visitors. Even then they will wear a Kepah in the Sanctuary. You can be sure that no one will get into the Sanctuary in Odessa drunk, nor will you see any children in The House of Yahweh drinking, nor will you see any person any place at anytime in The House of Yahweh (Odessa) drunk. We do not allow such. At the feasts, and our fellowship meetings after services on Friday night we have strong drink, but no one gets drunk, nor will you see any child drinking it. Also no man gets ordained in The House of Yahweh for the ministry until they have trained and proved themselves for three years, nor will there be deacons ordained until they have proved themselves for three years, and no unbearded man even becomes a member. If he can’t hold the job he has and wear a beard, he will have to change jobs. We do not condone sin to get tithe. I don’t care how wealthy he might be. We want righteousness in The House of Yahweh and we are very strict about it.
You ask if Bill was with us when we went to Israel. No. We went to Israel in 1969, and after we went, Bill became a member of the worldwide church of God in Abilene, he and Kay both. Bill was ordained after he came out of Armstrong’s years ago by Elder A.N. Dugger, leader of Church of God (7th day) in Jerusalem. I was ordained again in 1971 in Jerusalem by the Mount Zion Fellowship. I am a Messianic Rabbi.
You ask where was first established in the 60s and 70s. There was no House of Yahweh until 1975, and as I said it was established upon the mountain of Israel, in Nazareth, Israel, the home town of Yeshua, just as Micah 4:1 foretold. Yeshua foretold that when the Apostles who he sent out in his day had finished their work, The House of Yahweh would go to sleep, and be no more until just before his return to this earth. Matt 25:1, 6. Just before Yeshua returns, termed as midnight in this parable, the cry would go forth to wake up the virgins, so that they might come out of Babylon into the newly established House of Yahweh.
You ask was Bill to carry out this work in Abilene. Yes, he was. But he did not. He deceived me into thinking he would. I have all the letters he wrote against this work here after he was ordained by Oscar Alexander and me. He was ordained for that purpose, to be a Minister for The House of Yahweh in Odessa, in Abilene.
Sister Nancy, that whole thing in Abilene was wrong from almost the start. The rest of your questions I would feel better answering in person. I hope you folks can come down for a Sabbath and I will answer all of your questions. He is my brother, and I love him, but I don’t love how he does.
If you folks can come down, I think you will like what you see here, because what you see and hear here is just what we are. We believe in living up to what the Bible says, and nothing else. And you will not hear any evil or lies while you are here, nor will you be told to tell a lie. We do not try to take advantage of anyone.
May Yahweh & Yeshua bless you,
Signed by Jacob Hawkins
If you can come down, bring the other folks with you that you were talking about in your letter George Kovach and Yisrayl Wright. Also would you please send the pictures back.
Others Who Proclaim To Be The Two Witnesses Or Links Giving Explanation of Who "The Two Witnesses" Is Referring To
The Second Woe
Part I
The Three Great Woes Page 3
The Great Tribulation Part II
From the Main Message of
Bread Upon The Waters Ministry
Strait From The House's Mouth?
Abilene Reporter-News
"Without or with offense to friends or foes,
we sketch your world exactly as it goes." - Byron House of Yahweh Followers Regret Ties To White Supremacists
Response to Posse Comitatus Ties:
The following is a response in writing from Andrew Glick, now Nasayah Hawkins, to several questions about his and other House of Yahweh followers' association with the Posse Comitatus that also was published in the Abilene Reporter-News on Sunday, May 5, 1996.
Have you ever been connected with the Posse Comitatus in Wisconsin, or associated with the group in any way?
"Yes, in the mid 1980s, I was a member of the Posse Comitatus in Manitowoc County, Wisconsin, for about two or three years. After that I began studying literature from the House of Yahweh (Abilene, Texas). I can honestly say that the House of Yahweh is the only group that I know of that teaches from the Inspired Holy Scriptures and practices true love for the Creator and for ones fellow man, just as the Saviour and the Apostles taught. I have learned that we should not belong to any organization or group that does not teach the same true love ... and anyone can find this teaching in any version of the Holy Scriptures, if they will just look. Therefore, I left the Posse Comitatus around 1985, never to return to them or their teachings."
Are you still associated with the Posse in any way?
"No, I am no longer associated with the Posse in any way. Since I joined the House of Yahweh, I see that groups like the Posse Comitatus do not follow the teachings of the Saviour and the Apostles. I don't want any part of any group or organization that teaches, or condones, the breaking of any of the Creator's righteous Laws. The House of Yahweh has no association with any such group, and all House of Yahweh members are taught to do the same."
Are you involved with security for the House of Yahweh?
"Because of some instances of vandalism in the Oak Forest Road area, we have a neighborhood watch program, just like communities everywhere. Our function is merely to watch and then call the sheriff in case of an emergency. Those who participate in this watch are completely unarmed, except for a cell phone to call the sheriff. The House of Yahweh teaches that those who live by the sword will die by the sword. We only watch the neighborhood in order to report any trouble to the sheriff."
Wisconsin court records show that you were convicted in 1985 of the felony offense of criminal slander of title. When you had your name changed in Taylor County, you signed a petition stating that you had never been convicted of a felony. How do you explain this?
"At the time I filed the petition to have my name changed, it was my understanding that this conviction, being completely resolved by the courts in Wisconsin over ten years ago, with no pending action would be dropped from my record. When I was informed of my mistake, I immediately took action by writing letters to the proper authorities to find out what I should do to correct this matter."
"The circumstances of this case centered around a paper that was filed at the Registrar of Deeds Office by myself and five other men, on the same day and the same time. Three of these men went to court with a competent attorney, and were eventually acquitted. The other three (myself among them) were tried without an attorney, and were convicted in this matter. But all six men were charged with the exact same offense.
This situation was only made worse by the local media, which chose to print lies, half truths, and innuendos.
Can only three be guilty when all six filed the same piece of paper at the same time?"
Have the Posse Comitatus members or associates ever transported weapons and/or ammunition to the Callahan County or Abilene locations of the House of Yahweh?
I know of no one - not members or associates of the Posse Comitatus, the House of Yahweh, or any other organization - who has ever brought weapons and/or ammunition onto any House of Yahweh location. The House of Yahweh emphatically teaches the Saviour's Own words... "he who lives by the sword will die by the sword." Contrary to what the various militia groups around the country teach, the House of Yahweh or any of its members do not believe in or practice hate, fighting, war, or violence in any way. All of the House of Yahweh members are taught true love as the Saviour taught, and to always show love and concern for the well being of all mankind - and for every living being.
Wars have been fought for thousands of years, but have never brought true peace to the earth or the inhabitants of it.
In order for mankind to live in true peace, mankind must stop fighting.
The House of Yahweh does not believe in, trust in, or rely upon warlike actions, or the weapons of war, and certainly does not store any either.
Neither does the House of Yahweh teach anyone to believe in or practice hate, war, violence, or retaliation in any way.
Although Texas law allows an individual to carry a concealed handgun with a permit, The House of Yahweh allows no handguns (or any weapons/ammunitions for that matter) on any of its property ...
The House of Yahweh is truly a peace-loving organization.
Is it too much for the Abilene Reporter-News, and all media, to fully investigate a situation before printing anything, rather than aggravating a situation and stirring up hatred within the community with baseless allegations about a group that all law agencies have said has broken no laws?
If the Abilene Reporter-News would print what is actually taught and practiced by the House of Yahweh instead of listening to the lies of those who rejected Yahweh's Laws and chose sin as Judas did, the entire community would see that guns, violence, war, and hatred have no place at the House of Yahweh.
White Buffalo Prophesies It seems that none of these Indian tribe recognize Yisrayl Hawkins of the House Of Yahweh - Abilene, Texas as their "Great White Buffalo".